The Casting Process

We cast babies from 23 gestation onwards.  We can cast at the Hospital or Funeral Homes, before or after post mortem.  We can also cast even if babies skin condition is quite poor as usually the soles of babies feet and the palms of hands are usually perfect.  Please talk to us about any concerns or worries.

The process involves pushing babies feet into a pot of alginate.  Alginate is completely safe and non toxic, it is used by dentists for mouth moulds.  We then wait a few minutes for the alginate to go hard.  Once hard, we then wriggle babies hands/feet out of the mould.  We will then fill the mould with plaster and then once this has set, we demould it.  The plaster has to be left to dry fully before finishing and painting.  The whole process can take up to 6 to 8 weeks before the casts are returned.  The casts can be provided loose or framed, painted or unpainted, we will make recommendations based on the quality of the casts and can advise how best to protect them. 

Parents can be present if they wish for the casting process or a consent form can be completed to provide Forever Finley with authority to cast.