Meet the Team

Charlotte Smith, Charity Chair - Finley’s Mummy

‘I am responsible for the communication side of things and am the parents first point of contact.  I will speak to parents/Hospitals/Funeral homes to arrange castings plus keep parents updated throughout the process.  I am a Chartered Accountant so also deal with the accounts/funding of Forever Finley.  Our aim is to provide the most precious physical memory to bereaved parents without any financial pressure.  We know how much Finley’s casts mean to us and would love all bereaved parents to have the same precious keepsake.

We casted Finley ourselves as we struggled to find a business to cast for us, I remember saying to our bereavement midwife that I felt bad for wanting to push his hands and feet into alginate and that wasn’t fair on him.  She replied that on this journey, we can’t have regrets and Finley would love for us to have these memories.  This is so true, you cannot get this time back’

Rob Smith, Charity Trustee – Finley’s Daddy

‘I am mainly responsible for meeting families and casting babies.  The process is extremely hard walking into that room of heartbreak however it is so rewarding knowing you are helping to give parents the best gift.  Casting for other families is also definitely part of my own personal healing journey.  I also get to talk about Finley which I love.  Sadly baby loss and this heartbreak really does seem to happen to the nicest of families.’

Olivia Elliott, Charity Trustee – Partner Caster - Kent (Everlasting Memories 3D Casting)

‘I am a professional caster so meet lots of families on a day to day basis for 3D castings of hands and feet.  I see all castings as precious, they are memories that lock in a story of a moment in time, and all of the emotions that come with it. However, bereavement castings provide a whole new meaning to memory making.  They are one of a few keepsakes parents have, and will only ever have, of their children.  I love being able to support Forever Finley and help to cast for families around Kent, providing them with the most meaningful gift’

Megan – Partner Caster – Bury St Edmunds (Sparkle & Co)

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